One Punch Man Genos Saitama Sonic poster: robe your wall with this beautiful poster of Genos the cyborg robotic, Saitama the underrated hero and sonic the thunderbolt. Saitama and Genos are literally heroes, just like Grasp Bang, King, Tatsumaki… as for Sonic, is he on the side of the Affiliation of Heroes or the Group of Monsters (known as in Japanese Kaijin Kyokai)? strong>
- Poster designed by and for the followers One Punch Man
- Heavy weight paper for optimum sturdiness over time
- Prime quality: Excessive of differ
- Cautious and actual drawing particulars
- Printing Extreme Definition and vivid colors
- Up and Down Scroll System
- Associated worth for all poster sizes (printing costs us the equivalent why value you further?)
Worth Customary Provide
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Worth Customary Provide
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